by Gagner | May 27, 2015 | Remodel finish ideas
Finishing ideas for home remodels As a remodel project moves toward completion, there are lots of small decisions to be made which can have a big impact on its success. For our current Berkeley Victorian home, we are making decisions on everything from paint colors, cabinet handles/knobs, mirrors, lighting and landscaping, to name a few. This is where you can really make the property pop and add the so-called “sizzle”. It is also where it is worthwhile to get professional help and opinions, unless you are (or aspire to be) an interior designer. I’ll share some basics about my formula for success. If you enjoy making design choices on your own, there are plenty of on-line resources to help you along the way. Two of my favorite “idea” websites are and Both sites have search engines, so you can really narrow down the description of what you are looking for (ie Victorian front doors). If you already have a good idea the style you are looking for, major sites for home products make it easy to browse for specific items, including Home Depot, Lowe’s, Amazon and Often times it is a two-step process, starting with finding the style and then going to these individual stores to locate the specific products. For the Victorian, we went thru several iterations on exterior paint colors, since these homes are generally very colorful and leave a lot to the creative mind. The interior paint remains the same color as I have done on all my recent homes, since I love the color scheme, it’s easy to use over again and...